Faculty Promotions 2023

April 7, 2023

Join the College of Engineering in congratulating our four newly promoted faculty members.

Brian Crookston

Dr. Brian Crookston — Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Crookston’s research and consulting activities are focused on water sustainability and resiliency including hydraulic structures, fluvial hydraulics and modeling and technology. He has particular interest in spillways, physical and numerical modeling, machine learning algorithms, flow acoustics, scour and erosion, ecohydraulics, embankment failure, flooding, surface hydrology and public safety and security at hydraulic structures.

Belize Lane

Dr. Belize Lane — Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Lane is a watershed hydrologist with the aim of understanding rivers, ecosystems and humans as an integrated system to support more efficient allocation of scarce freshwater resources under increasing stressors. Her research explores the relationship between landscape and channel context and hydrologic behavior across multiple scales and disturbances, such as dams, wildfires and climate change.

Patrick Singleton

Dr. Patrick Singleton — Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Singleton’s research spans the areas of travel behavior, transportation planning and traffic safety. He specializes in active transportation, data analysis and health and well-being.

Alfonso Torres-Rua

Dr. Alfonso Torres-Rua — Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Torres-Rua’s research builds and supports agriculture and urban irrigated lands adaptation and assessment, capability development and connects state-of-the-art drone technology with precision irrigation and farm management. His activities are deeply connected to spatial/remote sensing information research and education.


Writer & Contact: Sydney Dahle, sydney.dahle@usu.edu, 435-797-7512