Upcoming Events

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February 16 - 22, 2020

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Lightning Talks


Come learn from industry leaders from various engineering fields about their career journeys. Our theme this year is "Level Up: Gain Skills for Career and Life." Be inspired while they explain why they chose to get a STEM degree and what they are doing with it today. They will also share tips and insights they have gained from their careers. Free catered food will be provided! Hosted by SWE, we encourage EVERYONE to attend, you do not want to miss it!

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Calculator Quick Draw

Student Activities

In the Calculator Quick Draw, five to six contestants will face off in each round. The top two contestants from each round will go on to the final round. There will be three judges (each with their own answer sheet), one judge to note who's hand is raised first, and someone to switch the slides and keep score.

We will host 4-5 qualifying rounds each with 10 questions, the first person to get the right answer to the problem gets a point. The top 2 scoring contestants from each qualifying round will go on to compete in the final round. The top 2 contestants in the final round will win the $50 gift card or $30 gift card respectively.

The questions will be a test of calculator skills like using the solver, built in statistics operations, and also include a lot of parenthesis to test how fast you can type while getting the right syntax.

Any additional questions or concerns? Email activities.ususwe@gmail.com with the subject "Calculator Quick Draw" and we will get back to you

11:30 am - 12:20 pm | Engineering Building |

Talent Show


The talent show is open to anyone in the College of Engineering. We are accepting talents of all kinds, the nerdier the better, but any talent is welcome. We will accept 12 applications. The participants will be judged by a panel of professors. Prizes will be given to overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, and another prize for nerdiest talent. First place prize is $50. All participants will receive a pad of engineering paper.

Participants are required to attend a planning meeting on the Monday or Tuesday before the talent show. There is a question on the sign-up sheet to indicate which day works better.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | TSC, Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom |

Science and Engineering Day


Science and Engineering day is a fun event where kids from 7-13 years old get to do hands-on science and engineering activities and challenges, interact with college students, and even industry professionals from Space Dynamics Laboratory and Northrop Grumman.

10:00 am - 4:00 pm | University Inn |