Upcoming Events


3D Printing Workshop with Space Dynamics Lab engineer Robert Fowler


Additive manufacturing is gaining more and more traction in every aspect of the engineering world. Hear from Space Dynamics engineer Robert Fowler about 3D printing and its applications in small satellites! We will be hosting a workshop where Robert will describe a current issue that engineers at Space Dynamics are working on, which involves the use of 3D printing. Attendees will be broken up into small groups to tackle the problem and present their findings to the group. Afterward, we will provide food!! This is a great opportunity to meet an engineer at Space Dynamics Lab and get better acquainted with the applications of 3D printing.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Engineering Building |

Launch Your Engineering Career- Creating Engineering Portfolios


In accordance with the Launch Your Engineering Career resource, the College of Engineering is providing a portfolio workshop. This workshop will provide the opportunity to create and work on an Engineering portfolio. Food will be provided at this event.

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm |

Launch Your Engineering Career - Is Grad School right for me?


Presented by Dr. Doug Hunsaker
"Is Grad School right for me?" Before you decide, come learn about which careers require graduate degrees. Many Tech companies (Apple, Facebook Google), Aerospace Companies (Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop), and Research and Development organizations (NASA, Air Force, National Labs) require advanced degrees for the most coveted positions. Come learn about those positions and whether an advanced degree will help you land your dream job.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Engineering Building |

FE Workshop


Forgetting your mechanics of materials as the FE approaches? Join us with Dr. Bay to review some key points you should know.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Engineering Building |