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February 2 - 8, 2020

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Biological Engineering Department Seminar Series


The BE Department's Seminar Series Speaker, Dr. Rebecca Gerth, Research Sales Engineer at Ripple Neuro, will present: "Going to the Dark Side - Choosing Industry".

February 3rd at 12:30 pm in ENGR 326

Over the last two decades, academic neuroscientists and engineers have dedicated their lives to developing brain-computer interfaces for the restoration of independence in amputees and paralyzed individuals. Ripple Neuro creates neural interfaces and medical devices to advance research and improve the lives of underserved patient populations. Engineers at Ripple work with academic partners, industry leaders, and clinical experts to solve the problems that still limit the translation of brain-computer interfaces. This presentation will highlight one engineer’s decision to transition to industry and the varied opportunities working for a biotech company provides.

A meet and greet with Dr. Gerth will be held immediately following the seminar in ENGR 326.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm | Engineering Building |

Year of the Women: The Female Athlete Triad

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Year of the Woman

The Department of Kinesiology & Health Science is hosting multiple events as part of USU's Year of the Women Initiative in February. Please join our first event on Thursday, February 6.

This USU's Year of the Women event will focus on women's empowerment in sports and promoting awareness of eating disorders among college students on the National Women in Sports Day (February 6). Our keynote speaker, Dr. Elizabeth Joy, is the Medial Director for Community Health, Health Promotion and Wellness, and Food & Nutrition at Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City, UT. Dr. Joy has been a well-respected medical doctor specializing in sports medicine eating disorders and also a leading researcher of the Female Athlete Triad, physical activity promotion, and diabetes prevention.

Please register this FREE event at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-female-athlete-triad-disordered-eating-and-eating-disorders-as-a-cause-of-low-energy-tickets-89666211051

Also, if anyone requests a live stream to a USU's statewide campus, please let me know, maya.miyairi@usu.edu

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Home Buyer Education


This workshop was developed to educate first time home buyers about the home purchasing process. Through education, individuals will better understand each step in the process and gain confidence in their home buying decisions.

10:00 am - 6:00 pm | Sorenson Legacy Foundation Center for Clinical Excellence |