Degree Information

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Engineering Education

The Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Engineering Education program is a 42-credit program established by the Department of Engineering Education in 2009. The program is a face-to-face program (rather than an online program) and is delivered on the Logan campus of Utah State University.

Program Overview

The Ph.D. program prepares students to be engineering instructors, engineering education researchers and specialists with solid knowledge and skills in

  • Designing and assessing engineering curriculum and engineering knowledge
  • Implementing evidence-based instructional approaches in student-centered engineering learning environments
  • Identifying and synthesizing relevant theories to frame the research problem
  • Applying appropriate and creative research methods to studies in engineering education
  • Understanding engineering education foundations and the role of cognition in engineering education
  • Developing competitive grant proposals for improving engineering education

Program Requirements

The Ph.D. program requires students must, among others,

  1. Complete minimum 42-credit course requirements, including 16-credit Engineering Education Core courses, 9-credit Research Theory Core courses, minimum 5-credit Technical Elective courses, and minimum 12-credit Ph.D. Dissertation research.
  2. Complete Comprehensive Exam.
  3. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 during the graduate study.

Master of Science (M.S.) in Engineering Education

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Engineering Education program is a 30-credit program established by the Department of Engineering Education in 2021. The program is a face-to-face program (rather than an online program) and is delivered on the Logan campus of Utah State University.

Program Overview

The M.S. program prepares students to be engineering instructors, engineering education researchers and specialists with solid knowledge and skills in

  • Designing and assessing engineering curriculum and engineering knowledge
  • Implementing evidence-based instructional approaches in student-centered engineering learning environments
  • Identifying and synthesizing relevant theories to frame the research problem
  • Applying appropriate and creative research methods to studies in engineering education

Program Requirements

The M.S. program offers Plan A (thesis) and Plan B (research project) options. Plan A of the M.S. program requires students must, among others,

  1. Complete minimum 30-credit course requirements, including 6-credit Engineering Education Core courses, 3-credit Research Theory Core courses, minimum 12-credit Technical Elective courses, and minimum 6-credit Master’s Thesis research.
  2. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 during the graduate study.

Plan B of the M.S. program requires students must, among others,

  1. Complete minimum 30-credit course requirements, including 6-credit Engineering Education Core courses, 3-credit Research Theory Core courses, minimum 15-credit Technical Elective courses, and minimum 3-credit research project.
  2. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 during the graduate study.