SWE Extravaganza Jr Inspiring a New Generation of Engineers
Feb. 3, 2020 — The USU section of the Society of Women Engineers hosted a brand new event, Extravaganza Jr!, on January 25, 2020 from 8 a.m. – 12p.m. This event is aimed at elementary school children, grades two through five, who attend school in Cache Valley.
USU section of the Society of Women Engineers hosted the first Engineering Extravaganza Jr! in Logan on January 25.
This event was meant to cultivate a love for STEM, especially engineering, at a young age and emphasize on diversity in STEM careers. The workshops featured electrical circuit building with Play-Doh, a mini pumpkin toss, building sand filters, and removal of arterial obstructions! These workshops have been designed to teach engineering principles and improve problem-solving skills. There were student representatives from biological, civil, computer, environmental, electrical, and mechanical engineering who helped to run and plan the workshops.
With 70 children and 40 parents in attendance, this event was a huge success for the Society of Women Engineers and the USU College of Engineering.
SWE Volunteers developed interactive engineering challenges to encourage students to learn engineering principles and practice critical thinking.
The organizers wish to thank the outreach committee members Morgan Bishop, Jessica Williams, Gaby van Brunt, Abby Edward and Rachel Israelsen for their efforts in planning this event. The section would also like to extend a big thank you to the volunteers made this amazing event possible.
Writer: Rachel Israelsen, Rachel.israelsen@gmail.com
Contact: USU SWE Outreach Vice President: outreach.ususwe@gmail.com