Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Program
General Information
Development of a SWPPP is a requirement of a UPDES (Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Storm Water Permit before the application process is completed. Utah LTAP handles various SWPPP certifications and registrations for the Utah Storm Water Advisory Committee.
Utah LTAP is not able to interpret, make exceptions, or settle questions related to UPDES Permits, certification requirements, etc. Questions of these types should be made to Program Contacts at the Division of Environmental Quality. 801-536-4300
Registered Storm Water Inspector (RSI)
Many projects are required to designate a stormwater inspector with training and qualifications.
Registered SWPPP Writer & Reviewer (RSW/RSR)
This program's purpose is to establish a professional standard, and uniform quality, of SWPPPs and plan reviews in the state of Utah, thereby aiding UPDES and local agency permit compliance.