Requirements for Students with Non-Engineering Undergraduate Degrees

Students with a non-engineering or science background are required to take the undergraduate courses deemed sufficient to their area of study to prepare them for the fundamentals of engineering examination required for professional engineering registration in most states.

Various Program's Requirements:

Dams and Levees

The CEE Department encourages all students to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam as the first step towards professional licensure. Entering graduate students who have a BS degree that is not engineering or a related science must at least have taken the following or the equivalent:

  • Linear Algebra and Differential Equations - MATH 2250 or MATH 2270 and MATH 2280.
  • Physics 1 and Lab - PHYS 2210/2215

Once you enter the program, you may be required to take additional undergraduate engineering courses to meet prerequisite or emphasis-specific requirements including the following:

  • Engineering Mechanics Statics - ENGR 2010.
  • Engineering Mechanics Dynamics - ENGR 2030.
  • Engineering Fluid Mechanics - CEE 3500 and Engineering Hydraulics - CEE 3510.
  • Engineering Hydrology - CEE 3430.


The CEE Department encourages all students to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam as the first step towards professional licensure. Entering graduate students who have a BS degree that is not EnvE or closely-related (Civil Eng, Chem Eng, etc.) must either:

  1. Pass the EnvE FE Exam within three semesters of admittance, OR
  2. Make up undergraduate coursework as needed. Taking the FE Exam is still strongly recommended once coursework is completed.

Required classes:

  • Mathematics through Differential Equations (MATH 1210, 1220, 2250)
  • General Chemistry (CHEM 1210 and 1220)
  • Statics (ENGR 2010)
  • Environmental Management (CEE 3610)
  • Statistics (STAT 3000)
  • Fluid Mechanics (CEE 3500) or Transport Phenomena (CEE 3670)
    • Note that CEE 3500 requires Dynamics (ENGR 2030) as a pre-requisite, while CEE 3670 requires Thermodynamics (BENG 2400) and CEE 3500. These pre-reqs can be waived for graduate students if they have taken physics, but they will need to contact their advisor to register.

Recommended classes:

  • Engineering Economics (CEE 4200)
  • Environmental Chemistry (CHEM 3650) or Aquatic Chemistry (CEE 5620)
  • Environmental Microbiology (CEE 2620)


Course Requirements for Geotechnical Engineering Graduate Students Without a Civil Engineering B.S.

Updated: 18 January 2022
  1. It is strongly recommended that students take and pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam, and that they take the courses that will allow them to pass the exam.
  2. Required Courses (or equivalent courses)
    1. Statics (prerequisite for Soil Mechanics) *
    2. Mechanics of Materials (Solids) (prerequisite for Soil Mechanics) *
    3. Soil Mechanics*
    4. Structural Analysis
    5. Reinforced Concrete Design
    6. Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
  3. * Two of these courses may be taken concurrently.

  4. Recommended Courses
    1. Dynamics
    2. Fluid Mechanics
    3. Steel Design
    4. Engineering Economics


The CEE Department encourages all students to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam as the first step towards professional licensure. Entering graduate students who have a BS degree that is not engineering or a related science must at least have taken the following or the equivalent:

  • Linear Algebra and Differential Equations - MATH 2250 or MATH 2270 and MATH 2280.
  • Physics 1 and Lab - PHYS 2210/2215

Once you enter the program, you may be required to take additional undergraduate engineering courses to meet prerequisite or emphasis-specific requirements including the following:

  • Engineering Mechanics Statics - ENGR 2010.
  • Engineering Mechanics Dynamics - ENGR 2030.
  • Engineering Fluid Mechanics - CEE 3500 and Engineering Hydraulics - CEE 3510.
  • Engineering Hydrology - CEE 3430.

River Mechanics and Modeling

The CEE Department encourages all students to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam as the first step towards professional licensure. Entering graduate students who have a BS degree that is not engineering or a related science must at least have taken the following or the equivalent:

  • Linear Algebra and Differential Equations - MATH 2250 or MATH 2270 and MATH 2280.
  • Physics 1 and Lab - PHYS 2210/2215

Once you enter the program, you may be required to take additional undergraduate engineering courses to meet prerequisite or emphasis-specific requirements including the following:

  • Engineering Mechanics Statics - ENGR 2010.
  • Engineering Mechanics Dynamics - ENGR 2030.
  • Engineering Fluid Mechanics - CEE 3500 and Engineering Hydraulics - CEE 3510.
  • Engineering Hydrology - CEE 3430.


The CEE Department encourages all students to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam as the first step towards professional licensure. Entering graduate students who have a BS degree that is not Civil Engineering must either:

  1. Pass the FE Exam within three semesters of admittance, OR
  2. Make up undergraduate coursework as needed (each student will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis). Taking the FE Exam is strongly recommended once coursework is completed.

General Required Classes:

  • Mathematics through Differential Equations (Math 1210, 1220, 2210, 2250)
  • Engineering Mechanics – Statics ENGR 2010
  • Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics ENGR 2030
  • Engineering Mechanics – Mechanics of Materials ENGR 2140
  • CEE 3020 – Structural Analysis
  • CEE 3160/3165 – Civil Engineering Materials
  • CEE 3080 Reinforced Concrete Design


The CEE Department encourages all students to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam as the first step towards professional licensure. Entering graduate students who have a BS degree that is not engineering or a related science must at least have taken the following or the equivalent:

  • Linear Algebra and Differential Equations - MATH 2250 or MATH 2270 and MATH 2280.
  • Physics 1 and Lab - PHYS 2210/2215

Once you enter the program, you may be required to take additional undergraduate engineering courses to meet prerequisite or emphasis-specific requirements including the following:

  • Engineering Mechanics Statics - ENGR 2010.
  • Engineering Mechanics Dynamics - ENGR 2030.
  • Engineering Fluid Mechanics - CEE 3500 and Engineering Hydraulics - CEE 3510.
  • Engineering Hydrology - CEE 3430.