Irrigation Engineering
Overview: Irrigation Engineering involves the management of water applied to agricultural and other developed lands for the growth of crops and other vegetation. This includes the design, operation, and management of on-farm irrigation systems and irrigation water distribution canal, pipline, and pumping systems and their relationship to water resources quantity and quality. Current research areas include precision irrigation management, remote sensing, crop water use, irrigation system performance, water use optimization, interactions between irrigation and hydrologic systems, and water use of alternative crops.
Core Courses
- CEE 6800CEE 6800 Civil Engineering Seminar
- CEE 5001CEE 5001/6001 Design and Evaluation of Pressurized Irrigation Systems (even years)
- CEE 5005CEE 5005/6005 Design and Evaluation of Gravity Irrigation Systems (odd years)
- CEE 6800CEE 6800 Civil Engineering Seminar
- CEE 5006CEE 5006/6006 Agricultural Water Management
If any graduate core courses are not offered, a graduate elective course may be substituted, subject to approval of the graduate committee.
Core Technical Electives
(students must take 3 or more credits from the following courses)
- CEE 5500CEE 5500/6500 Open Channel Hydraulics with an Emphasis on Gradually Varied Flow
- CEE 5003CEE 5003/6003 Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces
- CEE 5008CEE 5008/6008 Hydrology of Irrigated Agriculture (Typically Offered: even years. Not offered in 2024)
- CEE 5550CEE 5550/6550 Hydraulics of Closed Conduits
- CEE 5007CEE 5007/6007 Field Evaluation of Agricultural Irrigation Systems 2023 tentative
Note that with approval from the graduate committee, required courses can be waived if the student has successfully completed an equivalent course at Utah State University or elsewhere.
Students should choose courses from the following list to complete the program of study for their degree. Students may also choose from other courses available at USU in consultation with their graduate committee. All classes are offered yearly, unless otherwise specified.
- CEE 5000CEE 5000 Irrigation and Drainage of Agricultural Lands not offered
- CEE 6400CEE 6400 Physical Hydrology
- CEE 5410CEE 5410/6410 Water Resources Systems Analysis (Offered: even years)
- CEE 5430CEE 5430/6430 Groundwater Engineering
- CEE 5540CEE 5540/6540 Hydraulic Structures Design
- CEE 5610CEE 5610/6610 Environmental Quality Analysis
- CEE 5655CEE 5655/6655 Green Infrastructure
- CEE 6740CEE 6740 Surface Water Quality Modeling (Offered: even years)
- CEE 6930CEE 6930 Advanced Hydrology through CUAHSI Virtual University
- CEE 6530CEE 6530 Hydraulic Modeling
- CEE 6930CEE 6930 (Special Problems) Hydrologic Field Methods 2023
- APEC 5950APEC 5950 Applied Economics Policy Analysis
- ASTE 5260ASTE 5260/6260 Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Systems
- MAE 5370MAE 5370Optimization for Engineers odd years
- PSC 4700PSC 4700 Irrigated Soils (may need to talk with instructor to take PSC 6900)
- PSC 5000PSC 5000/6000 Environmental Instrumentation
- PSC 6123PSC 6123 Climate Data Analysis
- PSC 4150PSC 4150/6150 Bioinformatics and Big Data Mining
- PSC 5430PSC 5430/6430 Plant Nutrition
- PSC 5670PSC 5670/6670 Environmental Soil Physics even
- PSC 6810PSC 6810 Climate and Climate Change
- STAT 5200STAT 5200/6200 Analysis of Designed Experiments
- WATS 6530WATS 6530 Water Quality and Pollution
- WATS 6900WATS 6900 (Graduate Special Topics) Sediment Transport Mechanics
- WATS 6900WATS 6900 (Graduate Special Topics) Advanced Topics in Stream Ecology
- WATS 6900WATS 6900 (Graduate Special Topics) Hydrologic Modeling/Environmental Objectives in Watershed Management/Hydrology and Watershed Management Modeling (1 to 3 sections) yearly
- WATS 6900WATS 6900 (Graduate Special Topics) Drone Data Analysis Project yearly
- WATS 6900WATS 6900 (Graduate Special Topics) Modeling for Natural Resource Management
- WATS 6915WATS 6915 GIS fundamentals
- CEE 6110CEE 6110 Hydroinformatics
- CEE 5190CEE 5190/6190 GIS for Civil Engineers
- CEE 5930CEE 5930/6300 Earth Structures
- CEE 5470CEE 5470/6470 Sedimentation Engineering
- CEE 5490CEE 5490/6490 Integrated River Basin/Watershed Planning and Management
- CEE 6570CEE 6570 Computer Vision
- CEE 6640CEE 6640 Physical and Chemical Environmental Process Engineering
- CEE 6660CEE 6660 Environmental and Hydrologic Data Analysis and Experimentation
- APEC 5560APEC 5560 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
- ENVS 6010ENVS 6010 Applying Human Dimensions Concepts to Natural Resource Management
- MATH 5420MATH 5420 Partial Differential Equations
- STAT 5410STAT 5410/6410 Applied Spatial Statistics
- STAT 6650STAT 6650 Stat Learning: Multivariate Stat Analysis for Bioinformatics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning
- PSC 6080PSC 6080 Applied Statistics in Agricultural Research
- PSC 6140PSC 6140 Unsaturated Flow and Transport odd years
- PSC 6190PSC 6190 Salt-Affected Soils
- PSC 5270PSC 5270/6270 Environmental Plant Physiology
- PSC 5500PSC 5500/6500 Environmental Physics of Land Ecosystems and Climate
- PSC 5530PSC 5530/6530 Soil Health and Fertility
- PSC 6810PSC 6810 Climate and Climate Change
- WATS 5620WATS 5620 Introduction to Low Tech Process Based Restoration of Riverscapes (Required for all subsequent courses in series)
- WATS 5621WATS 5621 Science and Case Studies of Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes
- WATS 5622WATS 5622 Planning Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes
- WATS 5623WATS 5623 Designing Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes
- WATS 5624WATS 5624 Implementing Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes
- WATS 6150WATS 6150 Fluvial Geomorphology 2024 (yearly after)
- WATS 6490WATS 6490 Small Watershed Hydrology
- WATS 6491WATS 6491 Streamflow Analysis
- WATS 4500WATS 4500/6500 Limnology: Ecology of Inland Waters
- WATS 4930WATS 4930/6920 Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis
- WATS 6840WATS 6840 Ecohydraulics (Offered: even years)
- WATS 6900WATS 6900 (Graduate Special Topics) Adaptive management and monitoring