ENGR 404/402 - Undergraduate Student Study Rooms

Study room 404 main
Study room 404 main

Room 404

study room 404 back
study room 404 back

Room 402X

study room 402V
study room 402V

Room 402V

Open 8 – 5 without key access required.

Open to all students in the Biological Engineering Program for group meetings, study, research, group homework sessions, and other activities.

Room Equipment available for use includes:

  • Whiteboards
  • 12 Individual Lockers for Rent in ENGR 404
    • $5 for one semester
    • $10 for the school year
    • Lockers are rented out on a first-come first-serve basis
  • 3 computers
    • Dual Monitors
    • Wireless Printer (with instructions to print from a laptop)
    • Software:
      • Windows 10
      • Microsoft Office Suite
      • Solidworks
      • Mat Lab

Please email biological.engineering@usu.edu if you have any questions or concerns