Research Centers
Sustainable Waste-to-Bioproducts Engineering Center
Contact: Ronald Sims
Office: Biological Engineering Engr 402G
Sustainable Waste-to-Bioproducts Engineering Center Site
The Sustainable Waste-to-Bioproducts Engineering Center is a collaboration between the Biological Engineering Department, College of Engineering at Utah State University, and the Environmental Department, City of Logan, Utah. The Center will develop new bio-based sustainable engineering technologies that convert wastes into bioproducts for municipalities and industries in Utah, the intermountain west, and the nation.
USU BioEnergy
Contact: Foster Agblevor
Office: ENRG 405
The Center is distributed across two colleges, Engineering and Science, and has three locations that include on-campus, Innovation Park, and the Logan Water Reclamation Facility. The Center addresses the utilization of algae, in single culture and mixed culture approaches that includes both enclosed and open pond systems, for the production of biofuels including biodiesel and biomethane. Both temporal (mixing) and spatial (fiber optic) distribution of light are evaluated with regard to productivity of biomass and lipid content.
Research activities include: design, modeling, construction, monitoring, and testing of algal-based bioreactors that include suspended growth and biofilm architectures for biofuels. The Algae Test and Evaluation Facility is part of the Center.
Affiliated Research Centers
Utah On-Site Wastewater Treatment Training Program
Director: Judith L. Sims
Office: UWRL 243 or ENGR 402R
Utah On-Site Wastewater Treatment Training Program Site
The Utah On-Site Wastewater Treatment Training Program was established in January 1998. The mission of the training program is to assist in the protection of public health by providing technology transfer, training, and information dissemination in on-site wastewater treatment to stakeholders in Utah and the surrounding region and by raising the level of public awareness and education in on-site wastewater treatment issues. The program also provides the classroom and field training that is required as part of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality mandatory certification program for on-site (septic system) site evaluators, designers, inspectors, and operators.
Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL)
Director: David Tarboton
Office: UWRL 221
Utah Water Research Laboratory Site
The Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL) is a stand-alone facility located at Utah State University on the Logan River, Logan, Utah. The UWRL operates within an academic environment and collaborates with government and private sectors to address technical ans societal aspects of water-related issues, including quality, quantity, distribution, and conjunctive use. This is accomplished through providing more than 100,000 square feet of state-of-the-art laboratory, computer, and office space.
Center for Persons with Disabilities - Biomedical
Director: Dennis Odell
Office: CPD 183
Center for Persons with Disabilities Site
The Biomedical Division comprises the medical service unit and the immunology/genetic research laboratory. Activities of the unit are designed to manage medical issues involved in serving individuals with disabilities and to conduct research to determine causes, prevention and medical intervention. The unit provides a variety of specialty clinics. Research on autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and dyslexia is ongoing.
Center for Integrated BioSystems
Director: Chris Davies
Office: CIB Director's Office
Center for Integrated BioSystems Site
The CIB is a focal point for life science activities at Utah State University. A multifaceted core facility at USU, the CIB is dedicated to agricultural and environmental biotechnology research. The Center's scientists and staff work together to further our core components: Research, a Core Service Lab Facility, Biotechnology Training and Student Education.