Biological Engineering helps you “Discover BE”

August 2, 2023

The Biological Engineering department hosted a day of “Discover BE” on July 17th. They sent the invitation out statewide to high school students and science teachers, to register for the event.

“We had teachers and students with their families from all around the state attend; even one family from Texas!” said Dr. Zhan.

Attendees first had an overview of the department and the different emphases a student could explore. They were able to see first-hand the methods and projects being researched in a few faculty labs:

  • The Algae Processing and Products (APP) facility that was opened in 2021, which houses research for developing innovative solutions to complex wastewater challenges and fertilizer production.
  • The BioInnovations building to learn about bio-based products such as eco-friendly plastics, using hydrothermics to create grassoline, and cellular agriculture.

When asked what the difference was between USU and other programs, Elise Barton noted “Our department is unique in our ability to deliver a program that allows our graduates to enter a myriad of fields in biological engineering, not just chemical or biomedical engineering. I can do what they do, but they can’t do what I can.”

From algae to rocket fuel, data modeling to genetics, plastics to purification, our faculty and graduate students introduced it all. We want to help you Discover BE!
