Biological Engineering Department Graduate Program Assessment Synopsis

Full Details of the learning objectives, assessment plan, student outcomes, and evidence of continuous improvement for the Biological Engineering - MS programs of study can be found here

Full Details of the learning objectives, assessment plan, student outcomes, and evidence of continuous improvement for the Biological Engineering - PhD programs of study can be found here

Learning Objectives Indicators Assessment Plan/ Process Outcomes Data Data-based decisions
Students will be capable of analyzing a problem, identifying critical aspects and devise appropriate methods to help solve the problem. Students demonstrate the ability to perform significant original research. Advisory committee is surveyed after thesis or dissertation defense. Student must meet or exceed expectations of the advisory committee. Implementation started Fall 2016 Based on results from surveys decisions will be made on whether changes are needed.
Graduates can function effectively in their field after completion of the Biological Engineering degree program. Students demonstrate knowledge of key principles within their area of expertise. Coursework is thoroughly graded and GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or greater is needed. 100% of students met this requirement. Continue providing academic assistance to students requiring the help
Students effectively communicate both orally and through written documents. Student writes a strong dissertation/thesis that confirms their mastery of the field.

Students required to publish peer reviewed journal articles.
Advisory committee is surveyed after thesis or dissertation defense. Student must meet or exceed expectations of the advisory committee.

Students required to submit 1 (MS) or 2 (PhD) author/co-author refereed journal manuscript.
Implementation started Fall 2016

100% of students met this requirement.
Based on results from surveys decisions will be made on whether changes are needed.

Continue this requirement for the Biological Engineering MS and PhD degrees
Graduates will be successful in engineering careers after graduation. Successful post-graduate employment in a relevant engineering field Students are surveyed after graduation. >90% employment in a relevant engineering field required. Tracking will start Fall of 2016 Based on results from surveys decisions will be made on whether changes are needed.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be capable of analyzing a problem, identifying critical aspects and devise appropriate methods to help solve the problem.
  • Graduates can function effectively in their field after completion of the Biological Engineering degree program.
  • Students effectively communicate both orally and through written documents.
  • Graduates will be successful in engineering careers after graduation.

Assessment Plan / Process


  • Students demonstrate the ability to perform significant original research.
  • Students demonstrate knowledge of key principles within their area of expertise.
  • Student writes a strong dissertation/thesis that confirms their mastery of the field.
    Students required to publish peer reviewed journal articles
  • Successful post-graduate employment in a relevant engineering field

Program Outcomes

  • Implementation started Fall 2016
  • 100% of students met the NWCCU Graduate students Learning objectives second requirement.
  • Implementation started Fall 2016
    100% of students met the third requirement.
  • Tracking for the fourth learning objective will start Fall of 2016

Continuous Improvement

  • Based on results from surveys decisions will be made on whether changes are needed.
  • Continue providing academic assistance to students requiring the help
  • Continue this requirement for the Biological Engineering MS and PhD degrees